A Child Called "It".
The Lost Boy.
A Man Named Dave.
I'm gonna read all of them! =D haha. and some of you might say, "Susan actually reads books huh!" yeap yeap i actually bought it and reading I am now! =p
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
goodbye and hello!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Upside down
My life has turned into upside down, seriously. Ever since the start of the holiday, which is like two weeks ago, my routine has became like this:
School will reopen soon in one week time. gosh~ damn fast man. Really have to treasure every single day, even though if it's a slacky day. When school reopen on 5th of Jan, I'll be having 3 weeks lessons only. Fortunately, I get to skip class during the 3rd week, as i'll be going back to Brunei to celebrate CNY, from 19th of Jan till 1st of April. School only starts holiday on 24th on Jan till 19th of April.
Meaning, I'll be staying in Brunei for more or less 2 and a half month!! 72 freaking days ! -____- I wonder what am I going to do in Brunei with these 2 months plus.. =\ Hope there will be full of stuffs to keep me busy with or else i'll be bored to death!
and I definitely will miss him like mad. =(
hmmm.. Things that I probably can do in Brunei:
- hanging out with friends, as usual. I need people to drive me out! muahaha. as most of my friends are 18 and above, which means that they are able to drive! haha. *yes, i'm talking about you! nah~ I'm not that bad, only if I have no transport, then I'll 'ma fan' you guys. =p
- online at cafe or restaurant as I was told by my brother that my home internet sucks!
- 100% that I have to do chores for my family, cook meals for them as my maid has already went back.
- Sleep like there's no tomorrow!
- maybe movie marathon, be it at home or cinema (at least it's cheaper than Singapore. =p) so why not?
- I was wondering if I could get my driving test within 2months plus in Brunei or not. so that i can drive legally wherever and whenever I want. However, come to think of it, won't it be a waste if I learn it in Brunei, then when come back to Singapore, I have no car to drive? and I'm not sure whether I need to take driving test AGAIN if I need a Singapore license, instead of endorsing Brunei license to Singapore license (if endorsement of license is not allowed). If I really need to, might as well don't take it in Bru. Sigh.. one word, TROUBLESOME.
- Sleep at 7am+ averagely, as in everyday.
- Wake up at 4.30pm, everyday.
- Dinner at around 8pm+ most of the time.
- Supper every midnight at 2am+ without a miss!
- Then sleep again at 7am+.
To be frank, I never failed to miss any of these routines! AHH! i'm mad.. and i think my body system has used to it already. Oh well, what to do? Blame the HOLIDAYS! I think I'll die early than usual. =X
Anyway, just let it be then. When the time comes, I'll eventually know what to do right? Alright, till then. ta ta~ You're welcome to tag on my cbox to give me some comments about it. =) Gracia~
Sunday, December 28, 2008
New blog skin!
Yes, I decided to change my blog skin due to the 'sien-ness' of looking at the same blogskin for almost freaking 1 year!
*note that I changed my blog title too? =D
and I actually did this for few hours, from midnight till morning! haha. still feel very energetic though~ the sad thing about this is that, i lost my 'hit counter' codes!! i can't remember my username and password! which means that i can't even retrieve the codes from the website too! urgh! and i almost lost my 'e-referrer' codes also. kept on try and errors, for about 1000times.. finally can get thru it. anyway, not gonna give up and try again later!
Actually, I didn't really want to change my blog skin though, cuz scare troublesome as I need to edit html, change settings and yada.. My first intention was to change my blog title/name only. Well, it goes like this:
As you all know that my original blog title was "Follow your own heart", rite? then just now when i have nothing to do, i went to view those bloggers who viewed me through 'e-referrer'. Guess wat? I found out that there is one blogger who actually has the similar title as mine! 'Follow your own skill". and another one, 'Follow your own soul'..
Freaking boobs rite? I'm not being an ass or idiot here, but is this coincidence? or meow*? I don't know. Anyway, no offense alright. I just don't really like to have the same things as other people. who likes it rite? And i bet most of you don't like other people to meow* you (be it your ideas, belongings and so on) when it belongs to you too.
Unless you have their permissions and credit them, that's the different case.
If not, it's either you have no sense of originality, not creative or __________. (leave a blank for you to think). =p
Hopefully there's no 'Follow your own brain or legs'.. or else, I'll LMAO!! HAHAHA!
After that, I was thinking.. 'might as well just change my blogskin too'.. search and search and head cracked..
So here goes my new blogskin and title: 'Life, as it is..' Anyway, a bit philosophical yet simple.. just let it be la~
New layout for a very new year !
ps: Please do comment about my new blog skin alright. thanks. =D muacks~
Movie movie movies !!
The movie was DAMN good, I rate it 5 STARS! *thumbs up!*
Yes, it's 'IP MAN' ! i'm sure my dad will love it like mad.
Just like what Winnie had said, many people pronounced it wrongly. The funniest lame name that I heard from the retard was, " I.P Zone".. the store where it sells clothes. HAHA! hilarious~
Anyway, it's a MUST MUST show to watch. not good, money back~! Highly recommended. HAHA.
I wonder whether people will hate Japanese or not after watching this movie..
Well, there are a lot of movies to catch up too. AHHH!! money flies~ I wanna watch:
TWILIGHT- which came out long time ago and everyone has watched it already,
YES MAN - sure it's a damn funny movie,
BEDTIME STORIES - must be a hilarious movie too.
THE DAY THE EARTH STOOD STILL - no idea about this but the trailer is nice. =)

I WANT TO WATCH! how nice if i own a cinema, can enjoy free popcorns, drinks and movie!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
what a night..
I admit that I am a late blogger. Everyone blogged about Christmas on the actual day, if not, the day before that. But I, always the last one. HAHA. well, that's me. blame me for not that efficient and effective enough. XD.
Most of the people usually go to town to celebrate Christmas, be it countdown, watch performances and so on and so forth. However, I didn't go to town though.
As we know that Singapore is known as a good place to celebrate their christmas and new year. Especially in town areas. It is usually very crowded and full of people. packed and jam like mad, which i don't really like it.
Anyway, I celebrated my Christmas at Dom's and his relatives' place. It was wonderful and I enjoyed. We had great dishes like turkey (which is a must must during christmas), pork ham, spaghetti, meat loaf, mushroom soup and more! great dinner. I received few lovely presents too.
Oh well, MERRY belated CHRISTMAS everyone !!
Believe it or not? this is my first time decorating a christmas tree!
feel so happy when looking at those decorations and presents. =DD
glow in the night...
this is a real huge christmas tree..! pretty rite? =)
Lastly, wish all of you merry merry christmas and a happy new year !
2009, here I come !
Going out to watch movie later, 'IP MAN', which everyone says it's a good movie. =D
HAPPY 4th month! =DD
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
super random
i'm bored now.. bored to death.. i'm so bored that i even go and find online games to play.. which is so not me! guess it's not good to have holidays too in a way..
oh well, i'll just post up some random photos to keep my blog alive. =) please do tag yea.
btw, about the secret pal @ RP, i'll just post few photos which i have with me now. If you're really keen to watch the dance ("Nobody") video, check it out at my facebook [ which is not nice apparently; just a hit-and-run dance performance ] . for those who doesn't have facebook and wish to watch, just tag me to upload it on youtube k. thanks. =)
I dunno what's wrong with my phone camera, the photo just turned out to be like this.. haha.
frances and i~
the retard..!
jia and i~
damn.. blur..
finally, secret pal 2008 has come to the end !
I'm food obsessed currently. my mouth non stop chewing and eating! guess this is one of the ways to kill time though. however, i've put on weight apparently.. sigh~ sometimes, i just can be bothered. anyway, FOOD ROCKS!
now, some photos abt food that i've taken past few weeks.
this photo was taken at Ichiban Sushi, celebrated Frances's birthday. The food is nice. Especially the bento set, guarantee you will be full if you order this !
this is what they called 'sorbet'. look like real fruit huh.. Anyway, the flesh is actually filled with some kind of ice-cream, which is actually the same flavour of the fruit. yum!
and this, PRAWN MEE which you can find at Yishun Block 921 ( if i'm not wrong. or 912? ) Anyway, it's damn nice ! it's a must to try ! thumbs up for this ! =D
and more and more and more! there are dishes like frog leg porridge @ Ang Mo Kio (foodcourt S11), ice cream like ben and jerry and haagen daz.. OMG!! i feel so guilty now!! sinful of eating soo much! =S
alright, up next...
FISH SPA!! guess it's at where? our school!
it's $3 for 10mins, but we enjoyed more than that. =p well, it's organised by our school's 'diploma of intergrated events management' students. quite a great idea of having this though.
felt ticklish at first when i put my feets in.. after that.. 'ahh~ syiok~' like tiny massage by those cute fish..
some of the girls who were at the spa, were screaming out of nowhere.. as if the fish gonna eat all their toes up! haha. hilarious!
the guy beside me has more fish than i do.. i was thinking, is it because his feet are dirtier, and that's why more fish are needed to clear off the dead skins and germs? HAHA.
okay, another random one.. a photo of which we're asked to take with our drawing for judy's present..
Me, with the letter 'H'. yea, eyebags eyebags..
"sleep early la xian.. eyebags duo duo.. " by Pin Jia. HAHA. true true. i've been sleeping quite late recently.. around 6am++.. what to do.. holidays wad.. can't blame. =p
close up sketch.. Does Christmas actually link with birthday? asked myself and by pin jia too.. haha. weird..
Anyway, 7 days to Christmas! Ho ho ho~
Gosh, time is flying literally.. .. 13 days left to 2009, seriously ! think back again, what have i done throughout the whole year? countless stuffs i did, and learned a lot too. gah~ what a year !
Oh well, I shall stop here now. should think hard of what to blog for the next post. =)
tata~ enjoy your holidays guys! =D ciao~
sometimes, I'm just wondering who actually reads my blog.. hmmm..
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Friday, December 5, 2008
Gosh.. I puked 11 times in a roll on Wednesday night till Thursday morning!
I, myself can't even believe that I can make it too. I wonder if I'm suffering from food poison, or stomach flu? hmm.. not sure. actually wanted to go visit doctor yesterday, but in the end I didn't cuz i slept the whole afternoon (yeap, I skipped class).
It goes like this.. I had my dinner at around 5pm+.. then at 9pm+, my brain started to feel uneasy.. then feel like puking.. I tot I was having tension headache again.. but then after the 1st vomit.. i tried to drink water.. then puked again. after 10 mins like that, i puked again, again.. As my tummy very empty already, I went to ate toast bread to fill up a lil bit. then after 10 mins, I puked again.
I tried a lot of things, like eating candy, drank tea and water to stop myself from puking. but failed. I puked everything that I put inside my mouth, for 10 times before i sleep. Hence, I decided to stop eating and drinking anything till I sleep, if not there will be no ending and I'll be seeing my very own stomach in the toilet bowl!
I put on 'tiger balm' to keep my tummy warm and slept. when woke up in the morning, i thought I felt better after that cuz no more nauseous feeling. So, i drank a small cup of milo and water. BUT!! 15mins later, i puked again ! Fortunately, this is the very last time already. Planned to skip UT but I cant afford to. So after having UT, i went back home and slept for the whole afternoon.
I didn't eat for the whole day until 4pm+, i ate fish soup. I kept drinking 100plus as it is an isotonic drink which can stabilize ur tummy. *learned new things. =)
During the late evening, Pin Jia and Sen Ern came over to my place! yeap, we actually planned to meet Grace up at Orchard, but when we reached there, it was quite late for her to meet us up. So in the end never. too bad. Guess can only see her next year eh. =p
Ern vain-ing with jia's sunglasses. and I, vain-ing with my own sunglasses. =D
oh ya, I ate Burger King that nite! ( mmm kia si ah!! tummy's suffering and yet still eat burger king! ) ahha. no choice, cuz they wanna eat, so accompany them lo. After dinner, we walked and shopped around @ Orchard.
Christmas trees are displayed and lights are up, christmas songs are being played along the road and santa claus is about to come ! HOHOHO!
My brother, jealous? HAHHA. =p come to Sg lo.
Below are some of the photos that I took last time.
@ Sentosa.
@ AMK Hub.
kids are playing with the fake snows. (bubbles and cotton, i think)
'i tot i saw a pussy cat~'
@ Taka, Orchard.
Oh well, received a call from Dom juz now, said that he puked for 2 times during noon time. gosh, I think i'm suffering from stomach flu, as the research that i did said that stomach flu is contagious.. So, I think i've passed this illness to him. omg ! haha. need to know more about stomach flu? google it! =D
first time man. well, feeling better now. Just that tummy very weak. even when I laugh also can feel the pain.
btw, is this a way of slimming down? It's like cleaning my organs up and down, from the stomach to the oesophagus until empty. HAHA. not bad though, in a way. XD. LOSE WEIGHT !
ps: thanks a lot to those who really showed concern abt this. really appreciated it a lot. Friends are just too great ! =DD
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
The last week of November..
First of all, thanks to those who gave me opinions about my previous post. and i have made my decision, finally. I HAVE QUITTED! =D
no more dance classes from now on. I think i need a break and relax. after cooling down, I might join back again next year. Hope there is no problem for me again. =) and now, I might want to find a part time job to earn some $$, extra living expenses.
Things that happened last week:
Thursday night, the Flame Awards and party was a blast! After the performance, We had our sucky buffet dinner and party! The party was like so-called clubbing, but only within the IGs members only. disco-ed and danced in a big studio and Black Box. Didn't take much photos because it was dark and too many people there. Btw, the theme for that night was "Masquerade". had fun !
no changes on our costumes as we were performing the same dance, just that added mask.
well, this photo proves that i became chubby! -___-
modern dancers..
Party @ RP.
Guess where was I on Saturday?
Yeap yeap, I went to Sentosa Beach! =DD
us~ =)
sherman, what are you trying to do?
Siloso Beach - Sure it was a good day boy, hot and sunny !
Siloso beach...
yeap, we played captain ball.
they swam, I didn't, if not, the sea will be a BLOODY mess. get the meaning behind it? =p
Sherman and Denise...
flip flops~
poor him. buried by us! six packs, boobs and a lil bro! =p
i see a huge mountain~
somehow, it's really hard to find seashells in singapore beach. gosh.. i dug so much and i only found this.
act strong huh. can i step on it? =p
the end ! =)
ps: I'm starting to use Facebook now, even though I'm slow. [ i AM slow.. ] haha. and i'm obssessed with it! gosh. dun feel like blogging anymore and just drown myself in facebook world. XD.
so little time yet so many things to do.. sigh~
a lot of things happening this week. Jia and Grace is in Singapore now, gonna meet them up! wee.. and jia might be staying over at my place. =DD This weekend, there will be a prom nite in my school and I'm gonna perform a dance. which mean, i have only 5 days left to practice ! gosh! everything is in a rush.. -_____-
ahhh! i feel like shutting down myself.. leave everything aside and SHUT DOWN ! in a way, it is good to be isolated. XD.

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