I admit that I am a late blogger. Everyone blogged about Christmas on the actual day, if not, the day before that. But I, always the last one. HAHA. well, that's me. blame me for not that efficient and effective enough. XD.
Oh well, MERRY belated CHRISTMAS everyone !!

Most of the people usually go to town to celebrate Christmas, be it countdown, watch performances and so on and so forth. However, I didn't go to town though.
As we know that Singapore is known as a good place to celebrate their christmas and new year. Especially in town areas. It is usually very crowded and full of people. packed and jam like mad, which i don't really like it.

Anyway, I celebrated my Christmas at Dom's and his relatives' place. It was wonderful and I enjoyed. We had great dishes like turkey (which is a must must during christmas), pork ham, spaghetti, meat loaf, mushroom soup and more! great dinner. I received few lovely presents too.
Believe it or not? this is my first time decorating a christmas tree!
feel so happy when looking at those decorations and presents. =DD

glow in the night...

this is a real huge christmas tree..! pretty rite? =)

Lastly, wish all of you merry merry christmas and a happy new year !
2009, here I come !
Going out to watch movie later, 'IP MAN', which everyone says it's a good movie. =D
HAPPY 4th month! =DD
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