I'm reading this book now and all I can say it is very good! *RECOMMENDED TO YOU GUYS !
A child called "It". There are three books about this author Dave Pelzer's life and it's based on true story. I bet some of you guys have read this before too.
A Child Called "It".
The Lost Boy.
A Man Named Dave.
I'm gonna read all of them! =D haha. and some of you might say, "Susan actually reads books huh!" yeap yeap i actually bought it and reading I am now! =p

everyone's favourite!
with this as your tidbits while reading, it is an addiction! yum!
I have ate up dunno-how-many cans of this already and i'm not bored of it. =D call me fatty!
Oh well, till here~ my last post of 2008. Wish all the readers a great year ahead and all the best!
Goodbye 2008 and hello 2009!
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