Saturday, February 23, 2008


Hey. =D new born of the blog. well, first post here. gonna be quite long ahead. First of all, the purpose of creating this blog is to update myself with u guys when i'm in singapore. Just in case, some of my close frens will worry about me, or even my family too. especially my mom. So, i'm here! =D hehe. well, i'm going to singapore very soon. probably will be on next friday, 29th. taking diploma in Business Computing, at Republic Polytechnic (RP). Study for 3 years and work for 3 years in singapore too. hope everything's gonna be fine! Feel so excited and nervous now, but yet, sad and hurt too. Sigh~ so sad to leave my frens and family here. i'm speechless. dunno how to say and wat to say, cuz there are toooo many things that i wanna tell u all. Poor in expressing my feelings, sorry for that! =( hope u guys can understand! (now i can understand how jane feels when she left brunei~) Just like wat grace and pin jia said, this is life. we meet and we separate too. Thanks to those who advised me, like : take care in sg oh, must becareful! ; sg very stressful de oh, be clever! ; sg's standard of living very high de o, be wise! ; dun get influenced by bad ppl overthere and more more more. Thank u all very much. =D yea, i'll always bear those in mind! Haven pack and buy my things yet. haha. that's typical me, last-minute-de-susan. Like i'm not ready to go to sg yet. =/ haha. hmm. think that's all for this first post le, if not, for sure there will be ppl facing their pc with eyes closed. haha. wish me luck in sg! =DD to frens: jia you oh! juz like i'll jia you over here! pia till the end together yea! miss u all ='(! support susan and for sure susan will support u too! hugs~ to mummy: ma, dun worry about me, i'll take care of myself overthere. will never let u down k! trust me! muahz! love u all lots lots! *XOXO* *5 days left in brunei. sniff*

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

susan~ hai~ time really flies and dang you're leaving to sg. =(

b-gang has been together throughout the years and it's really.. just heart-breaking to see another good friend, a loving sister, to leave. ='( but yet, also want to wish you all the best lah, in sg~ =) yea i bet you've heard this like a thousand times already.

but still, take good care of yourself in sg! make wise choices and don't forget to look for a good church in sg. i'll try to ask my mom and get the address for the church that might be close to your place since my aunt is living there and i can get details from her. =)

think wisely before making any decisions to prevent any silly regrets. ;)

dang, i still cannot bear the thought of you leaving. =( you ah... aduh~ hahaha all of us are just yea.. devastated by the news of you leaving. T_T eshhh man make my eyes blurry nia. -__-

you've really been a nice friend even though we have our little 'debates' and silly 'fights' in between our friendships. =) *sigh* 6 years man... hope that you will meet another group of friends that will great but not as great as us, b-gang in here brunei :P hehehe~

remember to email or call us back whenever you have problems okay? =) i always check my email de, so you can always count on me to reply your emails asap =p

okay i bet this comment is really long and your eyes are probably 'mata-juling'ed' by now. =p

all the best susan!

xoxo, karenie~