Yes, I decided to change my blog skin due to the 'sien-ness' of looking at the same blogskin for almost freaking 1 year!
*note that I changed my blog title too? =D
and I actually did this for few hours, from midnight till morning! haha. still feel very energetic though~ the sad thing about this is that, i lost my 'hit counter' codes!! i can't remember my username and password! which means that i can't even retrieve the codes from the website too! urgh! and i almost lost my 'e-referrer' codes also. kept on try and errors, for about 1000times.. finally can get thru it. anyway, not gonna give up and try again later!
Actually, I didn't really want to change my blog skin though, cuz scare troublesome as I need to edit html, change settings and yada.. My first intention was to change my blog title/name only. Well, it goes like this:
As you all know that my original blog title was "Follow your own heart", rite? then just now when i have nothing to do, i went to view those bloggers who viewed me through 'e-referrer'. Guess wat? I found out that there is one blogger who actually has the similar title as mine! 'Follow your own skill". and another one, 'Follow your own soul'..
Freaking boobs rite? I'm not being an ass or idiot here, but is this coincidence? or meow*? I don't know. Anyway, no offense alright. I just don't really like to have the same things as other people. who likes it rite? And i bet most of you don't like other people to meow* you (be it your ideas, belongings and so on) when it belongs to you too.
Unless you have their permissions and credit them, that's the different case.
If not, it's either you have no sense of originality, not creative or __________. (leave a blank for you to think). =p
Hopefully there's no 'Follow your own brain or legs'.. or else, I'll LMAO!! HAHAHA!
After that, I was thinking.. 'might as well just change my blogskin too'.. search and search and head cracked..
So here goes my new blogskin and title:
'Life, as it is..' Anyway, a bit philosophical yet simple.. just let it be la~
New layout for a very new year !
ps: Please do comment about my new blog skin alright. thanks. =D muacks~
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